

Altar Servers

Altar servers are boys and girls who assist the priest during the Mass. Duties include lighting the altar candles, holding the priest’s book, assisting at the altar table with the water, wine, and hosts.
Altar Server Schedule


Extraordinary Ministers

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist are lay people who distribute Communion at Mass or who take Communion to the homebound and to those in hospitals and nursing homes.
Extraordinary Minister Schedule



The lector is the person who proclaims the readings at Mass. The lector also leads the Prayer of the Faithful (petitions).
Lector Schedule



Ministers of hospitality who greet those entering the church, collect the offerings, and direct congregants at Communion time.


Altar & Rosary Society

The ministry of the Altar & Rosary Society is to promote devotion to Our Blessed Mother through the recitation of the Rosary, to enhance the spiritual growth of the women of the parish, and to care for the house of God through cleaning and dressing the altar, sacristy, and vestments.

Bereavement Committee

Members of the Bereavement Committee bring comfort and ease the burden for family of the recently deceased by attending to all of the details of the post-funeral meal.


Youth Ministry

The CYO (Catholic Youth Organization) at St. Joseph’s provides recreational and social opportunities in a Catholic, christian-based atmosphere.



Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process through which adults prepare for entry into the Catholic Church. Teachers and sponsors guide candidates through months of study, discernment, and faith formation, culminating at Easter in the sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and First Communion.


Northern Chautauqua Catholic School

Several local parishes support this K – 8 school, which emphasizes academic excellence, individualized attention, and spiritual and character formation in the Catholic school tradition.